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The question is often asked Haw did the Boston Terrier originate?Briefly stated it may be said to have resulted from a cross between the English Bulldog and the white English Terrier,and then to have been considarablz inbred.Incidental peculiarities of the first dogs used as sires are parttly responsible for the present type.Mr.Robert C.Hooper of Boston come into possession of dog named Judge.This dog,which he purchased of Mr.William O Brien of the same city,was undoubtedly imported from England.Judge,commonly known as Hooper's Judge,was destined to be the ancesfor of almost all the true wonder Boston Terrier.He was a cross between an English Bulldog and a white English Terrier.He was a strongly built,high stationed dog of about 32 pounds weight.In colors he was a dark brindle,with a white stripe in the face.His head was square and blocky,and he resembled the present Boston Terrier in that he had a nearly even month.Judge was bread to Burnett's Gyp(or Kate).Gyp was a white bitch,ovner by Mr.Edward Burnett,of Southboro,MA.She was of about twenty pounds weight,had a fine three quarter tail,and was quite stationed.She was of stocky build,showing considerable streught in her make up.Her head was good being short and blocky.From Judge and Gyp descended Well's Eph.This dog was of strong build,and like his dam was low stationed.His weight was about twenty eight pounds.He was of dark brindle color even white markings,and like Judge,had a nearly even mouth.Eph was mated with Tobin's Kate.This bitch was of small size,weighing only twenty pounds.She had a fairly short head,was of golden brindle color,and had a straight three quarter tail.From these dogs can be traced the start of the Breed,the Boston Terrier.Dogs were bred and exhibited by these Fanciers as Round Heads and as time went on these fanciers met with numerous obstacles,but they would not give up after years of hard work.In 1891.the Boston Terrier Club of America was organized and being a Boston breed dog the name was changed from the Round Heads,to the Boston Terrier.In the year 1893 occurred the most momentous event in the history of the Boston Terrier.After two years of trying to have the breed recognized,The American Kennel Club admitted the breed to recognition for registrationin the Stud Book,and the Club as a member of the American Kennel Club.Up to this time the Boston Terrier was just in its infancy.There was much hard work ahead to perfect and standardize the breed and try to breed the Boston Terriers to a more even lot.Much progress has been accomplished in the breed since the year 1900 in the developing of different strains by scientific heads,snow white markings,dark soft eyes and the happy medium body leaning more the Terrier that the Bulldog.There are few dogs,having the disposition of the Boston Terrier.Their kind and gentle disposition have won them the name of the American Gentleman,a name rightfully given and as companions or house pets,they have few equals.

Polovinom 19.veka u Americi su bile popularne borbe pasa.Vlasnicima dobrih borbenih pasa,ova vrsta takmicenja donosila je dosta novca.Tako su u nadi da se stvori novi tip,od vec poznatih tipova borbenih rasa,oko 1870. god. radnicki sloj u Americi u okolini grada Bostona,poceli svoje prve pokusaje da stvore Bostonskog terijera.Osnovu ove rase cinio je Engleski borbeni Buldog,u to vreme poznat kao Bul Terijer i Engleski Beli Terijer(sada vec izumrela vrsta).Prvi pas ove pasmine,koji se moze naci u tadasnjim knjigama odgajivaca,bio je Judge.Odgajio ga je izvesni Langdon i zatim ga predao Vilijemu O Brajanu.Najzad je Judge 1875. dosao do izvesnog R.C.Hupera i dobio konacno ime Hooper's Judge.Kao slavni borbeni pas,pojavljuje se u istoriji uvek iznova.Po tipu bio je vise Engleski Buldog,dugih nogu i dobrih proporcija,tezine 32 funte,imao je minimalni predgriz i bio je tigrast sa belom lisom preko jednog oka.Paren je sa belom zenkom po imenu Burtnes Kate.Iz ove veze proistekao je muzijak Wels Eph,koji je usao u istoriju borbenih pasa.Paren je sa kujom Tobins Kate.Iz ove veze proistekla su dva muzijaka 1877.,koji zauzimaju vazna mesta u istoriji Bostonskog Terijera.Zvali su se Bernards Tom i Atkinson Tobey,pri cemu je ovaj prvi zauzimao vaznije mesto u nastanku rase.Kennel klub iz MA priredio je 1878. izlozbu u Bostonu na kojoj su prikazani prvi primerci ove rase,a medju njima i ova dva primerka.Svrstani su u klasu bulterijera.Parenjem primeraka u bliskom sredstvu,koji vode poreklo od Bernards Toma,ucvrscene su rasne odlike.Americki Kennel Klub uvrstio je ovu rasu u rodovnik 1891.pod nazivom Americki Bulterijer.Godinama je nazivan Boston Bulom,dok na kraju nije usvojen naziv Bostonski Terijer.Bez obzira na poreklo,ovaj pas je veoma ziv i izrazito inteligentan.Miroljubiv je ,uravnotezenog karaktera,umiljat,nezan i strpljiv prema deci.Ove karakteristike,kao i vezanost za gospodara,doprinele su da postane veoma prihvacen pas,prijatan za druztvo,te modernog Bostonskog Terijera danas svrstavamo u grupu pasa za pratnju i razonodu.Zbog svog elegantnog hoda,drzanja i izgleda,kojem doprinose njegove snezno bele sare,sa pravom nosi nadimak Americki Gentlmen.


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